此板Pro Mini為副廠所製造的微控制器電路板,使用ATMEGA328P單晶片,相容於原廠Arduino Pro Mini。它有14個數位輸入/輸出腳位(其中6個可作為PWM輸出),8個類比輸入,一個16MHz的振盪器,一個RESET按鍵。
- DC input 5V up to 8V(power supply from RAW pin)
- DC input 5v(from VCC pin)
- Bootloader: Arduino Pro/Pro Mini (5V, 16Mhz) w/ Atmega328
- 5V regulator
- Max 150mA output
- ATmega328 running at 16MHz with external resonator (0.5% tolerance)
- Low-voltage board needs no interfacing circuitry for popular 3.3V devices and modules (GPS, accelerometers, sensors, etc)
- USB connection off board
- Supports auto-reset
- Over current protected
- Reverse polarity protected
- On board Power and Status LEDs
- Size:0.7×1.3″ (18x33mm)